Ultimate guide to employee onboarding: 5 practical tips.

Gift Ogieva
6 min readMay 8, 2023


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First impression matters a lot, however, if we are not able to make a first impression, we won't be given a second chance for a first impression. Therefore, the first impression an employee or an employer makes during onboarding, will determine the fate of the company.

Employee onboarding is a critical process, as it involves keeping your new employees in your company by motivating them as they navigate their jobs.To retain your employees, it is important to know the process of employee onboarding, and how to carry out a successful onboarding in your organization.

In today's article, we are going to understand the guides to employee onboarding, so as to keep a good employee record in your company.

Let’s dive in

What is Employee Onboarding?

Employee Overboarding is the process of hiring/ welcoming a new recruit into the company. During this course, the employee is opportuned to know more about the company culture, values, system, policies, etc.

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Most recruits who do not enjoy the onboarding process in your company, will end up leaving or getting fired within a month, most times a week. With this,the manager in charge of hiring/recruiting new employees will find it difficult to start up a new recruitment process for the purpose of filling up the vacant positions.

Business associations and companies are now left with no other choice, but to improve the onboarding process and experience, so that they can be able to retain their present employees. This is why it is important for a recruiting manager to know the guide and intricacies to employees onboarding.

Importance of Employee Onboarding

Skilled talents are rare, and there is a lot of competition for job growth. Employees have many choices as to where and how they want to work.

Therefore, as a hiring manager, it is best to do everything you can to issue a remarkable onboarding experience, so as to retain your employees, especially the skilled talents. That is why knowing the process will be a great start to employee onboarding.

1. Improves employee experience :- Companies and business organizations are now in full search of employees, as the need arises for business growth, therefore, there is abundant opportunity available to the job seekers. If your employees do not enjoy the experiences in your organization, they will be left with no other choice but to leave your company in search for better organizations that suit them.

However, if the company suffers losses, it will now be difficult to be able to keep the company's culture and policies. If a hiring manager knows the tactics to employee onboarding, there is hope that the employees will enjoy their experience and stay in your organization from hire to retirement.

2. Retainment of company’s culture:- When a company cannot retain a staff, the company’s policies, values, standards, etc, will be affected because when the old employees leave, and the new recruits are not well orientated about the organization’s culture and core values there will be a change, and this will cause the new employees to bring in a new and uncivilized method of working. Therefore, this will make the company suffer.

3. Identification of skilled talents:- Knowing a person’s skill or talent starts from the inside. If a company cannot retain an employee, they will never be able to identify the skilled talent, therefore, knowing the guide to employee’s onboarding will be the best solution to keeping your employees and their talents in your organization.

4. Saves time and increases productivity:- During the period of trying to find a new employee, a company who knows the guide to employee onboarding will be able to make this time useful by fabricating more sales or becoming more productive. Typically, recruits tend to be fully productive after a whole year, because new recruits need time to get used to your organization and build relationships with other employees to create better teamwork and faster productivity.

However, onboarding employees the right way will decrease the time to proficiency, and increase the pace to productivity by over 80 percent.

5. Retention of employees:- Retaining employees is one of the top challenges organizations and hiring managers face daily. And when the employees cannot stay in the organization for long, It will now become impossible and difficult to fill up the empty spaces that the other employees left behind.

Ultimate guide to employee’s onboarding

It is important for a hiring manager to know the guide and intricacies to employees onboarding before he can recruit an employee, so as to create a satisfactory environment for the employees to work in.

Determine your expectations

Have a meeting with your shareholders and management, and discuss what you will be expecting from the recruits and what the new employees will be gaining from your company(vise versa). As soon as you are able to determine what you want, the employee onboarding process will be a success.

Frequent check-ins

During the first week of an employee's recruitment, you are meant to check on them, to know their challenges and progress while working at your company. After a week of continuous check in, you can call them to your office to discuss with them what you noticed while they were working during the first week.

Engage in this process every week, for the first month, three months, six months, etc.This process of employee onboarding, will also help in the growth of the company.


Before assigning any new employee to a post, the employee should be aware of the position, understand their job, goals and objectives of the job. This will give them a head start to the kind of work they will be taking on in your organization.

If an employee does not understand any of these, the employee will have a hard time working at your organization. Therefore, employee onboarding will be a failure, as no one would want to partake in a job that they do understand.

Create an experience on the first day

Making the first day a most remarkable day for the new employees will create an expansion of love for your company in the heart of the employees. This will surely make them bring out the best they have in them to your company, and this will provide an outreach of growth.

Therefore, this onboarding process will be a success to the employee and the organization.

Create a link

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Onboarding new employees requires you to be able to interact with them as often as possible. By this, they will feel open minded, and if they have any questions about the company and its policies, they won't waver to approach you.

If there is no link or connection between the employee and the management, the employees would just do what they think is right without actually knowing the process by which the company uses, however, this is caused because they feel nervous to approach you, or even to ask anything. Therefore, a link between the employee and the management is required for effective employee onboarding.

Creating a successful onboarding process

Retaining employees at your company is one of the major outstanding aspects of a company. It doesn't only imply keeping them, it also requires making them yearn to work at your company, bringing out their hidden talent, molding them into fine pieces for the outside world, etc.

It may seem like a mission impossible as you are proceeding with the onboarding process, but as soon as you are able to follow the guides, employee onboarding will be a success to the company and the employees. However, working at a company where the onboarding process is carried out promptly, is a remarkable one to the employees because they are able to interact with the people and the management.



Gift Ogieva

A content/ creative writer, and copywriter. Experienced in SEO and keyword research. Does in-depth research and able to think outside the box. An English Major.